Hey! Nice to e-meet you,

I'm Laurits


Generated for Clients

Through our marketing services, we generate millions of dollars every year for our clients.


Marketing Campaigns

Our impressive results did not come over night. They came from experience. Loads of it.


Businesses Helped

Laurits & Co. have helped hundreds of businesses across the globe grow massively online.


Causes Supported

From Ocean Cleanup to Education & Food Help for families in need, Laurits & Co. love a good giveback.

To: Ecommerce Brand Owners

From: The Desk of Lau in [SECRET LOCATION]

Since 2011, I've been hardcore into ecommerce and how to market and sell pretty much anything online from $30 sunscreen to $30,000 grand pianos.

From this, I've learned that any brand no matter what they sell really only needs three simple things to scale from 5-figures to 7- and 8-figures in online sales.

Together with my wonderful team, we help sustainable ecommerce brands scale their impact, revenue and profits.

"The way he predicts and controls customer behaviour is beyond normal human thinking.

Keep an eye out for Laurits."

Scaling Sustainability

As Uncle Ben said; "With great power comes great responsibility."

And we have accumulated the powerful experience it takes to generate hundreds- even thousands of orders per day.

But rather than using that power for evil like most dropshippers do, we use this power to help sustainable brands scale their positive impact.

"We only live once, so we might as well do something extraordinarily great while we're here."

© 2023 LAURITS LLP, All Rights Reserved


‭+44 7723 463389‬


Laurits LLP
27 Old Gloucester Street
London, WC1N 3AX
